The Bates-Logan Park is a great place all tourists go to during the summertime. If you have never visited this park before, chances are that you will really enjoy the scenery and the wildlife it has to offer. There are plenty of activities for family members of all ages, including children and adults, as there are plenty of things to do in this specific location. During the wintertime, however, things do slow down here a bit, because most of the cafes and tourism attractions are closed. That being said, it is not to say that Bates-Logan Park is not a fantastic spot to spend your winters in. When the temperatures drop, most of the locals and tourists enjoy ice skating on the lake, as well as enjoy a warm cup of tea in the local cafe shops downtown. It is also an amazing location for children as it offers a vast plethora of playgrounds and parks that are full of activities the young ones can enjoy. As far as the costs and expenses you might encounter here, the tourist attractions are pretty inexpensive as most of the attractions are related to the outdoors, compared to the ones you can find in huge cities.


Royal’s Heating & Air

Business Information:

Royal’s Heating & Air
2900 S Shoshone Street, Unit 207 Englewood, CO 80110
(720) 851-1691